Selling an equestrian property with a natural water source

Selling an Equestrian Property with a Natural Water Supply?

If you are selling your equestrian property with a natural water source don’t forget that this could add value and make it more attractive to potential buyers!

Showcase this feature with lots of images and videos ideally throughout different seasons. Show the location and some history of the original source (where possible), and talk about how you use it for your own animals.

Further reasons to promote a natural water source on your property …

Save time and money

Firstly, horses require a lot of water to stay healthy and hydrated, and having a natural source can provide a constant supply without the need for hauling or pumping water. This can save time and money on maintenance and labour costs.

Healthy Land and Vegetation

Secondly, a natural water source can help to maintain the health of the land and vegetation, which is important for the health of the horses.


It can also provide a habitat for wildlife and other beneficial organisms, which can contribute to the overall ecosystem of the property.


It can also provide a recreational area for activities such as fishing, swimming, and depending on type and size could be used for other water-based sports.

Selling your Equestrian Property?

Promote those extra special features on our custom-built website and showcase your ‘Water Source’ such as a Lake, Pond, Reservoir, River, Spring, or Stream on our portal.  This is what buyers are searching for could get your sale!

(Screenshot from our ‘ Land Features’ section)


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